ISO 23833:2013 pdf download

ISO 23833:2013 pdf download

ISO 23833:2013 pdf download.Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) — Vocabulary internal fluorescence
peak any spectral feature that is produced by fluorescence within the detector, rather than from excitation of the specimen EXAMPLE The condition in a semiconductor EDS in which a photon is absorbed photoelectrically in the dead layer just below the front surface of the electrode, and the subsequent emission of the characteristic photon of the detector material (e.g. Si) appears as a contribution to the measured spectrum as an equivalent low-intensity source apparently arising in the specimen. microcalorimeter EDS energy-dispersive spectrometer that operates on the basis of photoelectric absorption and subsequent thermalization of the photon energy followed by thermometry to determine the temperature rise in the absorber semiconductor EDS energy-dispersive spectrometer that operates on the basis of photoelectric absorption in a semiconductor crystal and inelastic scattering of the photoelectron leading to charge deposition and measurement 4.
4.5.1 intrinsic Ge EDS energy-dispersive spectrometer that operates on the basis of photoelectric absorption in an intrinsic Ge crystal 4.6.4.
5.2 lithium-drifted silicon detector EDS Si-Li EDS energy-dispersive spectrometer that operates on the basis of photoelectric absorption in an Li- doped Si crystal 4.
4.5.3 silicon drift detector EDS SDD EDS energy-dispersive spectrometer that operates on the basis of photoabsorption in a silicon crystal in which electric fields transverse to the detector surface are used to guide electrons to the collection anode escape peak peak that occurs as a result of the loss of incident photon energy by fluorescence of the detector material such as Si in an Si-Li EDS detector Note 1 to entry: Escape peaks occur at an energy equal to that of the incident characteristic peak minus the energy of the X-ray line(s) emitted by the element(s) in the detector (1,74 keV for Si). Note 2 to entry: Escape peaks cannot occur below the critical excitation energy of the material, so in an Si-Li EDS detector an Si K escape peak does not occur for energies below 1,84 keV. sum peak artefact peak that arises from pulse coincidence effects which occur within the pulse pair resolution of the pileup inspection circuitry Note 1 to entry: Sum peaks appear at energies corresponding to the sum of the energies of the photons which arrive at the detector essentially simultaneously. system peak artefact peak in an EDS spectrum caused by excitation of the specimen stage, the collimator, the chamber and the polepiece remote from the specimen due to an unfocussed component of the primary incident beam and/or backscattering from the specimen
4.6.5 energy-dispersiveX-ray spectrometry EDX EDS form of X-ray spectrometry in which the energy of the individual photons is measured and is used to build up a digital histogram representing the distribution of X-rays with energy
4.6.6 energy resolution width of a peak as measured by an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer and expressed as the full peak width at half the maximum of the peak height Note 1 to entry: For EDS, energy resolution is usually specified as the value for Mn Kα (5,890 keV) because this line can be obtained from a radioactive iron-55 isotope source. Note 2 to entry: Spectrometers that claim detection of X-rays lower than 1 keV shall also be specified by the FWHM of the C-K and the F-K lines. The specified FWHM shall be an upper limit. Note 3 to entry: Adapted from ISO 15632:2012ISO 23833 pdf download.ISO 23833-2013 pdf download

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