ISO 22085-3:2022 pdf download

ISO 22085-3:2022 pdf download

ISO 22085-3:2022 pdf download.Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Nomadic device service platform for micro mobility — Part 3: Data structure and data exchange procedures.
This document specifies the data structure and data exchange procedure related to micro mobility service applications utilizing a P-ITS-S (i.e. nomadic devices), including car sharing, parcel delivery and first-mile and last-mile connections. In addition, this document delivers related requirements for the development and operation of the service platform between nomadic devices and micro mobility with intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies.
This document defines a data structure and data exchange procedure based on the datasets and messages which are defined in ISO 22085-2.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 21217, Intelligent transport systems — Station and communication architecture
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 21217 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.1.1 central ITS station
C-ITS-S ITS station assuming a central role
3.1.2 personal ITS station
implementation of an ITS station as a personal ITS subsystem (e.g. nomadic device or mobile device) which provides communication connectivity via a wireless communication network (3G, 4G, and 5G),mobile wireless broadband (WIMAX, HC-SDMA, etc.), WiFi and short-range links, such as Bluetooth,Zigbee, etc. to connect portable devices to the motor vehicle communications system network
MMIMS Micro mobility as an integrated mobility service
MMSRS micro mobility sharing service
O optional
SAPSS searching available parking space service
SOC state of charge
4 Overview
4.1 Introduction
Conceptual aspects of the general use cases in ISO/TR 22085-1 are depicted in Figure 1 and are summarized in Table 1. Details of ITS-S (i.e. V-ITS-S, P-ITS-S, and C-ITS-S) are specified in ISO 21217.
5 Data structure
5.1 Data structure for request-mm-status
Table 3 shows the data structure for the DXM request-mm-status to request MM status information and V-ITS-S ID from the ND (P-ITS-S).
5.2 Data structure for mm-status-response
Table 4 shows the data structure for the DXM mm-status-response to send MM status information tothe ND (P-ITS-S).
5.3 Data structure for stop-notify-mm-status
Table 5 shows the data structure for the DXM stop-notify-mm-status to stop the communication from the vehicle (V-ITS-S).
5.4 Data structure for notify-mm-service
Table 6 shows the data structure for the DXM notify-mm-service to send MM status information, V-ITS-S-ID, position, user information from the P-ITS-S to the C-ITS-S.
5.5 Data structure for stop-notify-mm-service
Table 8 shows the data structure for the DXM stop-notify-mm-service to send MM status information,V-ITS-S-ID, position and user information from the P-ITS-S to the C-ITS-S.
5.6 Data structure for charging-station-information
Table 8 shows the data structure for the DXM charging-station-information to send charging station location information from the server (C-ITS-S) to the ND (P-ITS-S).
5.7 Data structure for parking-space-information
Table 9 shows the data structure for the DXM parking-space-information to send available parking space information from the server (C-ITS-S) to the nomadic device (P-ITS-S).
5.8 Data structure for reservation-information
Table 10 shows the data structure for the DXM reservation-information to send MM sharing service reservation information from the server (C-ITS-S) to the ND (P-ITS-S).
5.9 Data structure for public-transit-schedule
Table 11 shows the data structure for the DXM public-transit-schedule to send public transit schedule information from the server (C-ITS-S) to the ND (P-ITS-S).
5.10 Data structure for public-transit-reserved-information
Table 12 shows the data structure for the DXM public-transit-reserved-information to send public transit reservation information from the ND (P-ITS-S) to the server (C-ITS-S).ISO 22085-3 pdf download.ISO 22085-3:2022 pdf download

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