ISO 24631-5 pdf download

ISO 24631-5:2014 pdf download

ISO 24631-5:2014 pdf download.Radio frequency identification of animals — Part 5: Procedure for testing the capability of RFID transceivers of reading ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 transponders
6 Application
6.1 The manufacturer can apply for a conformance test for a transceiver capable of reading ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 transponders.
6.2 The application submitted to the RA shall consist of a covering letter together with the application form presented in Annex A. The RA shall confirm receipt of the application to the manufacturer within two weeks.
By signing the application form, the manufacturer agrees to fulfil the provisions of this part of ISO 24631.
6.3 The test centres shall be approved by the RA.
6.4 The RA maintains a list of approved test centres, from which the manufacturer may choose the centre that will test his transceiver product.
6.5 The manufacturer shall send a transceiver and all the necessary accessories to the RA-approved test centre. The manufacturer shall ensure that the equipment is able to display or store the transponder codes during the test.
6.6 The RA-approved test centre shall verify the transceivers using the test procedures specified in Clause 7. All reference transponders shall be readable by the transceiver under test. The codes read shall match the known codes of the reference transponders.
6.7 The RA-approved test centre shall prepare a confidential report of the results and shall send two copies (and an electronic version) of the report to the chairman of the RA.
6.8 The RA Chairman shall inform the manufacturer of the test results in a letter together with a copy of the report. 6.9 The RA shall issue an approval reference number for each conformant transceiver type and model.
6.10 The tested transceivers shall be kept by the test centre, under the ownership of the RA.
6.11 The RA shall make publicly available a list of conformant transceivers. A photograph of the approved transceiver shall be included in the list.
6.12 The RA shall do everything within its power to protect the integrity of this procedure with regard to ISO 11784 and ISO 11785. 7 Test procedures The test procedure that shall be applied is the same for every transceiver capable of reading ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 transponders. Transceivers shall meet the technical criteria.
This type of transceivers shall be named: “transceivers capable of reading transponders conforming to ISO 11784/11785”. IMPORTANT — As there may be electronic interference between transceivers, this type of transceiver shall not be operated within a distance of 10 m from any ISO transceiver. The non- synchronising transceiver shall be marked as such by a label, clearly designating the transceiver as a non-synchronising transceiver and shall carry the warning mentioned above. For documentation, a photograph of the transceiver shall be taken and included in the final test report. Additionally, weight, dimensions, and the device serial number shall be noted in the test report.
7.1 Frequency of activation field
The frequency of the transceiver’s activation field shall be measured. This shall be within the limits ±0,1 % of the nominal carrier frequency of 134,2 kHz. 7.2 Functional test Ten reference transponders of the HDX type and 10 reference transponders of the FDX-B type shall be read by the transceiver under test, without code errors.
The displayed or stored transponder code shall be compared with the listed known codes of those reference transponders. Additionally, the transceiver’s conformance shall be assessed against all of the next code occurrences:
a) If bit one of the transponder code (animal bit, in ISO 11784:1996, Table 1) is equal to zero (no animal code), the transceiver shall react in a clear and unmistakable way (e.g. display the wording ‘NON ANIMAL CODE’).
b) It is mandatory to make available (display and or communicate over a communication link) the manufacturer/country code and the (national) identification code. In addition, the retagging counter and user information field can be made available as an option for applications where this information is needed. c) The reading of the manufacturer/country code and the identification code shall not be affected by the content of the trailer bit flag (bit 16, in ISO 11784:1996, Table 1) and/or the content of the 24 trailer bits. d) The reading of the manufacturer/country code and the identification code shall not be affected by the reserved bits (bits 10 to 15, in ISO 11784:1996, Table 1).ISO 24631-5 pdf download.ISO 24631-5 pdf download

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